


24 months - 36 months

Brighter Beginnings Two's program helps children develop social skills and independence as they hone their motor skills and cognitive learning. They are urged to imagine, wonder, and explore. Our two's curriculum is designed to expand creativity, critical thinking, and social skills. Preschool classes will have show and tell related to the week’s lesson.

The days are filled with art time, physical activities, independent learning, group work, meals, and fun and games. Teachers conduct lessons in alphabet (recognition & sounds), counting, basic shapes, and colors.

As children adapt and become comfortable with their environment, they endure greater independence and higher-level learning. While our staff monitors development and introduces new activities, we do so with a strong affection and constant reminder that parents entrust us to act with kindness, comfort, and positive reinforcement.

Brighter Beginnings currently has a waitlist in place for ALL classrooms at both locations so it is a good idea to tour our facilities early to ensure we have a space for your child when you need it. To be added to our waitlist please email us at brighterbeginningscdc@gmail.com.

Meals and Snack

Brighter Beginnings will offer breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon and evening snack each day. The menu will include healthy food choices that are approved by MS Department of Health. If your child has a food allergy, please provide us with an allergy form from their pediatrician. Menus will be rotated every two to three weeks and will be posted at the parent info center and on our website. Per MS Department of Health Regulations, outside food for children may not be brought into center, except in cases of extreme allergies. Outside food is only allowed for birthday celebrations or other school parties. We will only accept store bought food.

Quiet Time/Naps

12 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Activities & Learning

With a small teacher-to-student ratio, we work with each child and tailor programs that cater to his or her social and developmental needs. Our Two's classroom adds more structure to the child’s daily routine; however, our teachers still approach the day with affection and compassion first and foremost. Activities include language arts, math, songs, games, arts and crafts, free play, etc. The curriculum introduces STEM activities, advanced and inspiring activities that kick start your child's education path.

Teachers will assist with potty training and encouragement.

Dress Code

Children should dress in appropriate clothing for learning and play, as well as closed toe shoes with no shoe laces, Velcro is preferred.
* No overalls (ages 3 and up) because the straps can fall in the toilet.
* Shorts or bloomers must be worn under dresses or skirts.

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